HelpAge Global Network Member
Member of The Global Alliance- For the Rights of Older People (GAROP)
Member of Humanitarian Accountability Monitoring Initiatives (HAMI)

Nepal Participatory Action Network (NEPAN) is an association of individuals and institutions whose goal is to promote participatory development and peoples’ empowerment in Nepal. Since its founding in January 1995, NEPAN has been involved in numerous projects supporting the development of marginalized populations in Nepal specifically with older persons, women, child and people with disabilities. Through advocacy efforts, field work, publications and capacity building training programs, NEPAN has become recognized nationally and internationally as a resource center for promoting participatory approach in development interventions. NEPAN continues to work to develop strong relations with several government ministries, international NGOs and national organizations to further inclusive participation in Nepal.
Prosperous and justful Nepal, where all citizens, particularly poor and excluded have information and space for meaningful participation and self-determination in all matters including political and developmental affairs affecting to their lives.
Build Capacity of members, collaborators, like- minded individuals and agencies to advocate at all levels for meaningful participation of citizens particularly poor and excluded people in development and democratization processes.
- Organizing symposia, conferences, workshops and meetings to promote and advocate principles and share experience of participatory action.
- Preparing and regularly updating a resource directory of institutions and individuals who can be available as resources for people and institutions needing assistance and support in appropriate linkages as and when possible.
- Organizing training programmes and workshops for the further development of skills and knowledge of trainers and practitioners as and when needed.
- Undertaking methodological research with the view to making advances in understanding and in practice of participatory development.
- Regularly publishing and disseminating news, views, and experiences related to participatory action and development.
- Providing a common platform for those concerned about participation of people in the process of development;
- Providing advice and necessary support in developing understanding and skills and in practicing participatory development;
- Developing linkages with similar institutions and networks in the country and internationally to effectively achieve the aims and objectives of NEPAN and
- Establishing & strengthening a specialized multi-media and document resource centre covering the whole subject of participatory development.

Dobhan Tole, Sahayogi Nagar, Janata Sadak, Koteshwor, Kathmandu-32
Tel: +977 01-4154938
website: www.nepan.org.com.