SAPPROS – Purnima/Sambodhan

Timeline: 21 December 2018-20December 2020

Location: Nuwakot (Shivapuri, Tadi and Dupcheshwar Rural Municipality)

NEPAN is currently running a Sambodhan project which is a two year innovative sub-project designed in order to meet output of Purnima Project, funded by DFID/MOTT MacDonald: a Challenge Fund to ‘Leave No-one Behind (LNOB)’  in the construction effort and to store and improve livelihoods, food security and access to services for five category of most vulnerable people: single women, persons with disabilities(PwD), internally displaced persons (IDP), elderly and food insecure households in a total of three assigned rural municipalities.


  1. Social Component: Enhanced social inclusion through strengthened community social networks,
    more effective representation and access to services;
  2. Economic Component: Improved food security and higher income for the most vulnerable
  3. Housing Component: Safe shelter for the most vulnerable groups giving dignity and enable
    them to pursue livelihoods;

Major Activities:

  1. Project team to design baseline survey data collection instruments involving technical expertise
    from consortium partners;
  2. Orient inclusive self-group on social services based on policy provision and process;
  3. Organize trainings on leadership development, communication, advocacy, social conflict
    management (facilitation, negotiation, social harmony);
  4. Link inclusive self-help groups with service providers such as service camp;
  5. Undertake referral for services from specialised agencies such as assistive devices for persons
    with disability, elder people, etc;
  6. Organize ToT for available local resource persons. Consortium members to work as resource
  7. Strengthen capacity of self-help groups in saving and credit and leverage resources from
    cooperatives, Bank, MFIs. Sappros to provide technical support;
  8. Demonstrate improved technology at most vulnerable households;
  9. Provide improved varieties of cereal crops and vegetables, breeds and other appropriate
    technologies based on local resource materials to most vulnerable households
  10. Promote minor but highly nutritious crops and vegetables such as finger millets, buckwheat, oat,
    nettle, etc;
  11. Introduce post- harvest technology and improve/ develop market infrastructure such as collection
  12. Improve traditional skills and technology such as blacksmith forge, tailoring, carpentry, etc;
  13. Provide protection mainstreaming training to project staff and volunteers on how to give dignity;
  14. Provide technical assistance for inclusive design (eg elderly and disability friendly) to shelter construction to selected most vulnerable groups;
  15. Promote DRR at community, ward and Palika levels through IEC materials;
  16. Facilitate meetings and link most vulnerable groups with provision of housing support;


Timeline: January 2017 – June 2019


  1. Imporved joint actions and constructive GON advocacy strategies on selected policy priorities across sectors.
  2. Improved capacity of CSOs to conduct evidence-based research benefiting marginalized groups to advance local solutions on priority issues across sectors and promote peer-learning opportunities.
  3. Improved capacity of CSOs for institutional democractic governance and mobilization of social and financial resources for sustainability.


Main Activities:
  1. Facilitating Advocacy Readiness Index Assessment.
  2. Facilitate participatory Organization Capacity Assessment(OCA) of three organizations and develop customized organizational Improvement Plan.
  3. Providing Technical Assistance to improve ARI of selected CSOs.
  4. Capacity Development of CSOs on Partnership and Coalition Building; Internal Good Governance; Resource Mobilization; and Project Design and Management
  5. Training Workshops for CSOs on Leadership Development; Advocacy Skills and Participatory Approaches and Tools
  6. Coordination Meetings with Government Stakeholders.




Timeline: March 2017 – May 2017


  1. Conduct a mapping exerise to identify prevailing structural factors that discriminate against women in the selected districts.
  2. Analyze the risk factors associated with unsafe migration, trafficking and violence against woment to prepare a mapping report.
  3. Develop a communication strategy, relevant to local contest, with specific awareness campaigns based on the mapping result.



Sindhupalchowk (3 VDC/Ms) and Dhading (3 VDC/Ms)


Main Activities:
  1. Individual Interviews with women with foreign employment experience to analyze the risk factor for unsafe migration.
  2. Focus group discussion with mothers groups and youth clubs.
  3. Key Informant Interview with District Level Stakeholders, community leaders,local authorities, relevant organizations in the district(Police, NGOs, other service providers).
  4. Identification of target groups for awareness raising through media and advocacy campaign.


UNICEF- Earthquake recovery cash transfer program

Timeline: June 2015 – May 2017


  1. The overall objective of this effort is to provide an independent assessment of the ERCTP as part of strengthening disaster resilience for all children under age 5.
  2. Assess beneficiary household’s livelihoods, food security and child care supports.
  3. Verify programme coverage including cash transfer receipt and beneficiary registration.
  4. Investigate experience and perceptions of programme including information campaigns, registration, distribution and grievances.
  5. Use stakeholder feedback to inform necessary improvements and expansions of the government social protection programs for children.



Okhaldhunga, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Sindhuli, Rasuwa, Dhading, Nuwakot, Kavrepalanchowk, Sindhupalchowk, Makawanpur, Gorkha


Main Activities:
  1. Final HH survey questionnaire for 968 respondents.
  2. Devise Sampling Methodology.
  3. Field Enumerator Training.
  4. Monitoring of Field Enumeration.
  5. Communication between District Focal Persons and UNICEF.
  6. Cleaned dataset prepared for external analysts.
  7. Final Report presenting descriptive data and analysis against key indicators.
  8. Executive Summary Report for distribution.



Timeline: October 2014 – March 2017


  1. To enhance economic livelihood of older people by engaging them in income generating activities.
  2. To continuously advocate for rights and policies for older people to meet specific needs.
  3. To increase proper healthcare for older people.
  4. To promote healthy and engaging aging to boost mental and physical wellbeing of older people.



Kathmandu (4 VDC/M), Tanahu (2 VDC/M), Kaski (4 VDC/M), Bardiya (6 VDC/M) and Kailali (4 VDC/M)


Main Activities:
  1. Provide seed money to OPAs.
  2. Set up centrally managed enterprise creation and development system.
  3. Implement livelihood programs.
  4. Continuation of Saving and credit activities within OPA and sub-groups with focus on sustainability and future self-sufficiency.
  5. Conduct income generation trainings.


Nepal Earthquake Recovery Project (NERP)

Timeline: Februry 2016 – January 2017



To provide earthquake recovery and resilience interventions that meet the needs of older people through health, income security and livelihood, social protection/inclusion and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).



Dharmasthali, Goldhunga, Machhegaun and Thankot


Main Activities:

  1. Community orientation to local health workers (health post, FCHVs, etc.) on primary healthcare, nutrition and psycho-social support.
  2. Provision and training of basic equipment for local health post (HP) and Primary Health Care service providers.
  3. Health Camp through Mobile Outreach Camps.
  4. Provision of essential assistive devices (reading glass).
  5. Community based psychosocial support and mental health services for OPs.


  • Older People Inclusive institutional structure promotion
  • Start up/Recovery of small scale income generation activities for beneficiaries through continuation of OPA’s self-sustaining revolving fund
  • Income Generation Training
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR):
  • Older People disaster resilience Planning(OPA,VDC,DDC)
  • Develop master trainer at District for resilient practices and Older People
  • Facilitating DM committees on the needs and inclusion of Older people
  • Train local authorities on engaging Older People in Emergencies (HOPE and ADCAP)
  • Conduct Risk Assessment, Vulnerable and Capacity Analysis Assessment and Prepare LDRMP
  • Facilitate endorsement the Risk Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan
  • Facilitate to establishment of Disaster Relief fund focusing on OPA
Inclusion and Protection (IP):
  • OPAs/Monitoring bodies formation, mobilization, meetings & exposure visits
  • Bi-annual review workshops with beneficiaries, partners, and stakeholders
  • HAP-Sphere Accountability and Minimum Standard training for Partners and ADTF-N, IEC Materials and Advocacy Events

Dobhan Tole, Sahayogi Nagar, Janata Sadak, Koteshwor, Kathmandu-32

Tel: +977 01-4154938,
